Name and registered office of the service provider:
PEMÜ Műanyagipari Zrt.
2083 Solymár, Terstyánszky út 89.
Registration authority: Court of Registry of the Buda District Court
Company registration number: 13-10-040367
Chamber membership: Pest County and Érd County Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Tax number: 12163771-2-13
- Central telephone number of PEMÜ Zrt .: + 36-26- 561260
- PEMÜ Zrt. General Directorate:
Anita Szalai Assistant to the CEO
e-mail:, phone: + 36-26- 561-260
- web:
Hosting service provider details:
- Tárhely.Eu Szolgáltató Kft., 1144 Budapest, Ormánság u. 4. X.em. 241.
- Company registration number: 01-09-909968
- Phone: +36 1 789 2 789
- Mail:
- Post office: 1538 Budapest, Pf .: 510.