Dear Visitor!
PEMÜ Műanyagipari Zrt. is committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of users of this website and to upholding the requirements of safe use. To this end, please read carefully the “Terms of use” for the usage of this website.
Details of the website operator:
PEMÜ Műanyagipari Zrt. (Registered office: 2083 Solymár, Terstyánszky út 89., company registration number: 13-10-040367, tax number: 12163771-2-13, statistical number: 12163771-2221-114-13)
The use of the website is subject to the following terms and conditions, which may only be used by accepting these terms and conditions, therefore by visiting the website the User accepts these terms and conditions of use.
1.) Acceptable usage
Please note that the use of this website and the communications on this website should not be in the slightest degree against the law or offensive to any person, private or legal, and we therefore ask you to:
(a) not violate the privacy rights of others;
(b) not infringe any intellectual property rights of others;
(c) not to make any defamatory, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, hateful, violent or disruptive statements (including with respect to PEMÜ Műanyagipari Zrt.);
(d) not to upload files containing viruses or files that may cause security problems; and
(e) not to compromise the integrity of the website in any other way
We inform you that PEMÜ Műanyagiapri Zrt. (Hereinafter referred to as PEMÜ) will unilaterally remove from the website any content deemed illegal or offensive.
2.) Data protection
PEMÜ’s “Privacy Policy” covers any personal data or material shared on the website (the “Privacy Policy” can be studied by clicking on the link provided).
3.) Intellectual property rights
(a) Content provided by PEMÜ
The copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights in material (e.g. text and images) published on the website by or on behalf of the PEMÜ are owned by the PEMÜ or appear on the website with the permission of the relevant copyright owner.
The User is entitled to reproduce extracts from the content of the website for private (i.e. non-commercial) use. The exercising of this right is conditional upon the User leaving intact and respecting the intellectual property rights, including the copyright statement associated with each piece of content.
(b) Content provided by Users
The User accepts that the content that he/she uploads to the Website is either authored by the User himself/herself or the User owns the rights to the content (i.e. has obtained permission from the right holder to share the content) and may share the content (e.g. images, videos, music) on the website.
The User acknowledges and agrees that the content uploaded by the User will be treated in a non-confidential manner and agrees to grant to PEMÜ a royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide right to use the content (including, without limitation, the right to publish, reproduce, transmit, publish or broadcast the content) for purposes related to the business of PEMÜ.
You are informed that PEMÜ may decide to use the content at its own discretion and that PEMÜ may have already developed or obtained similar content from other sources, in which case the intellectual property rights in the content shall belong to the PEMÜ Műanyagipari Zrt. or the relevant right holder.
4.) Responsibility
(a) PEMÜ will make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the material on the website and to avoid any confusion. PEMÜ accepts no liability for any direct (e.g. computer failure) or indirect (e.g. loss of profit) damage resulting from inaccurate information, confusion, unavailability of the site or any other event. The User agrees to use the materials on this website solely at his/her own risk.
(b) The website may contain links to websites outside the PEMÜ website. PEMÜ has no control over and does not necessarily endorse or accept any responsibility for third party websites, including their content, accuracy or operation. Thus, we strongly encourage the user to be aware of and carefully read the legal and privacy statements posted on other visited websites and to be aware of any possible changes to them.
(c) If the User operates an external website and wishes to link to this website, the PEMÜ will not object provided that the User provides the exact URL of the home page of this website (e.g. usage of deep links is not permitted) and does not in any way imply that PEMÜ endorses or is affiliated with it. The use of “framing” or similar solutions is prohibited and the User must ensure that the link to the website opens in a new window.
5.) Contact
If you have any questions or comments about this website, please contact us as the website operator using one of the following contact details:
Via post office: to PEMÜ Műanyagipari Zrt. at 2083 Solymár, Terstyánszky út 89,
Via e-mail: at,
By telephone: at +36 26 561 260
6.) Modification of the terms of use
PEMÜ reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use. Please visit this page regularly to review these terms of use and any possible new information.
7.) Governing law and jurisdiction
This website is intended exclusively for users in Hungary. PEMÜ makes no statement that materials and information on this website are appropriate or available outside Hungary.
By accessing this website, the User agrees that the laws of Hungary shall apply to all disputes and claims arising out of or in connection with the use of this website. The courts of Hungary shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes.
The User acknowledges that by accessing this website he/she accepts these Terms of Use.